Recently Added serif Fonts

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Drafting Mono font family by indestructible type
Z Y M m Drafting Mono indestructible type 14 Styles
Ohio Kraft font family by Jordi Carreras
Z Y M m Ohio Kraft Jordi Carreras 1 Styles
Fraunces font family by Undercase Type
Z Y M m Fraunces Undercase Type 2 Styles
Tiffany Gothic CC font family by indestructible type
Z Y M m Tiffany Gothic CC indestructible type 1 Styles
Sans Francais font family by Shauna Hartsook
Z Y M m Sans Francais Shauna Hartsook 1 Styles
Margherita font family by Dunwich Type Founders
Z Y M m Margherita Dunwich Type Founders 6 Styles
CC Knobbly Knees font family by Comicraft
Z Y M m CC Knobbly Knees Comicraft 1 Styles
Jenriv Titling font family by Linh Nguyen
Z Y M m Jenriv Titling Linh Nguyen 6 Styles
Go font family by GO
Z Y M m Go GO 12 Styles
Calistoga font family by Yvonne Schüttler
Z Y M m Calistoga Yvonne Schüttler 1 Styles
Gelasio font family by Sorkin Type Co
Z Y M m Gelasio Sorkin Type Co 10 Styles
Girassol font family by Liam Spradlin
Z Y M m Girassol Liam Spradlin 1 Styles
Sprat font family by Ethan Nakache
Z Y M m Sprat Ethan Nakache 19 Styles
Amagro font family by Fabio Servolo
Z Y M m Amagro Fabio Servolo 1 Styles
Grenze font family by Omnibus Type
Z Y M m Grenze Omnibus Type 18 Styles
Halibut Serif font family by
Z Y M m Halibut Serif 3 Styles
Libertinus font family by Libertinus fonts
Z Y M m Libertinus Libertinus fonts 14 Styles
Literata Book font family by Google
Z Y M m Literata Book Google 8 Styles
Luiss font family by Antonio Pace
Z Y M m Luiss Antonio Pace 10 Styles
Baskervville font family by ANRT
Z Y M m Baskervville ANRT 2 Styles
Sawarabi font family by mshio
Z Y M m Sawarabi mshio 2 Styles
Engry font family by ncuxoType
Z Y M m Engry ncuxoType 1 Styles
Happy Times at the IKOB font family by Velvetyne
Z Y M m Happy Times at the IKOB Velvetyne 2 Styles
Markazi Text font family by Borna Izadpanah
Z Y M m Markazi Text Borna Izadpanah 5 Styles
GNU Free Font font family by GNU
Z Y M m GNU Free Font GNU 12 Styles
Reforma font family by pampatype
Z Y M m Reforma pampatype 18 Styles
YoungSerif font family by Uplaod
Z Y M m YoungSerif Uplaod 1 Styles
Linguistics Pro font family by Local Fonts
Z Y M m Linguistics Pro Local Fonts 4 Styles
Z Y M m Soukou Mincho Flop Design 1 Styles
Inria Serif font family by Black[Foundry]
Z Y M m Inria Serif Black[Foundry] 6 Styles
Kotta One font family by Ania Kruk
Z Y M m Kotta One Ania Kruk 1 Styles
Spectral SC font family by Production Type
Z Y M m Spectral SC Production Type 14 Styles
Shrikhand font family by Jonny Pinhorn
Z Y M m Shrikhand Jonny Pinhorn 1 Styles
Solitas Serif font family by insigne design
Z Y M m Solitas Serif insigne design 1 Styles

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