Most Popular serif Fonts

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Playfair Display font family by Claus Eggers Sørensen
Z Y M m Playfair Display Claus Eggers Sørensen 12 Styles
Abril Fatface font family by TypeTogether
Z Y M m Abril Fatface TypeTogether 1 Styles
Droid Serif font family by Google Android
Z Y M m Droid Serif Google Android 4 Styles
Libre Baskerville font family by Impallari Type
Z Y M m Libre Baskerville Impallari Type 3 Styles
Cinzel font family by Natanael Gama
Z Y M m Cinzel Natanael Gama 6 Styles
Abhaya Libre font family by Mooniak
Z Y M m Abhaya Libre Mooniak 5 Styles
Alfa Slab font family by JM Solé
Z Y M m Alfa Slab JM Solé 1 Styles
Alegreya font family by Juan Pablo del Peral
Z Y M m Alegreya Juan Pablo del Peral 12 Styles
Lora font family by Cyreal
Z Y M m Lora Cyreal 4 Styles
Source Serif Pro font family by Adobe
Z Y M m Source Serif Pro Adobe 12 Styles
Merriweather font family by Sorkin Type Co
Z Y M m Merriweather Sorkin Type Co 8 Styles
Crimson font family by Sebastian Kosch
Z Y M m Crimson Sebastian Kosch 6 Styles
Vollkorn font family by FRiTZe
Z Y M m Vollkorn FRiTZe 8 Styles
Latin Modern Roman font family by GUST e-foundry
Z Y M m Latin Modern Roman GUST e-foundry 12 Styles
Cormorant font family by Catharsis Fonts
Z Y M m Cormorant Catharsis Fonts 45 Styles
Special Elite font family by Astigmatic
Z Y M m Special Elite Astigmatic 1 Styles
Cardo font family by David Perry
Z Y M m Cardo David Perry 3 Styles
Bentham font family by Reading Type
Z Y M m Bentham Reading Type 1 Styles
DejaVu Serif font family by DejaVu Fonts
Z Y M m DejaVu Serif DejaVu Fonts 8 Styles
Dubiel font family by David Rakowski
Z Y M m Dubiel David Rakowski 2 Styles
Theano Didot font family by Alexey Kryukov
Z Y M m Theano Didot Alexey Kryukov 1 Styles
Noto Serif font family by Google
Z Y M m Noto Serif Google 72 Styles
Garton font family by David Rakowski
Z Y M m Garton David Rakowski 1 Styles
Alice font family by Cyreal
Z Y M m Alice Cyreal 1 Styles
Afta Serif font family by Oriol Esparraguera
Z Y M m Afta Serif Oriol Esparraguera 2 Styles
Otama e.p. font family by Tim Donaldson
Z Y M m Otama e.p. Tim Donaldson 1 Styles
Cinzel Decorative font family by Natanael Gama
Z Y M m Cinzel Decorative Natanael Gama 3 Styles
Gentium Basic font family by SIL International
Z Y M m Gentium Basic SIL International 8 Styles
Anglecia Pro Display font family by Mint Type
Z Y M m Anglecia Pro Display Mint Type 2 Styles
Charis SIL font family by SIL International
Z Y M m Charis SIL SIL International 4 Styles
Old Standard TT font family by Alexey Kryukov
Z Y M m Old Standard TT Alexey Kryukov 3 Styles
Soria font family by By Dani
Z Y M m Soria By Dani 1 Styles
Sina Nova font family by Hoftype
Z Y M m Sina Nova Hoftype 1 Styles
Goudy Trajan Regular font family by CastleType
Z Y M m Goudy Trajan Regular CastleType 1 Styles
Goudy Bookletter 1911 font family by Barry Schwartz
Z Y M m Goudy Bookletter 1911 Barry Schwartz 1 Styles
Liberation Serif font family by Red Hat
Z Y M m Liberation Serif Red Hat 4 Styles
My Underwood font family by Tension Type
Z Y M m My Underwood Tension Type 1 Styles
Devroye font family by Apostrophic Labs
Z Y M m Devroye Apostrophic Labs 4 Styles
Forum font family by Denis Masharov
Z Y M m Forum Denis Masharov 1 Styles
Garogier font family by Rogier van Dalen
Z Y M m Garogier Rogier van Dalen 1 Styles
Nimbus Roman No9 L font family by URW++
Z Y M m Nimbus Roman No9 L URW++ 4 Styles

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