Hottest serif Fonts

More than 50 fonts match your search/filter criteria. You are only showing fonts with the classification 'Serif', and with the license 'Desktop', and where the download type is 'Local'...  To clear this filter, click here or adjust the options in the sidebar.

Soria font family by By Dani
Z Y M m Soria By Dani 1 Styles
Abhaya Libre font family by Mooniak
Z Y M m Abhaya Libre Mooniak 5 Styles
Playfair Display font family by Claus Eggers Sørensen
Z Y M m Playfair Display Claus Eggers Sørensen 12 Styles
Abril Fatface font family by TypeTogether
Z Y M m Abril Fatface TypeTogether 1 Styles
Droid Serif font family by Google Android
Z Y M m Droid Serif Google Android 4 Styles
Amagro font family by Fabio Servolo
Z Y M m Amagro Fabio Servolo 1 Styles
Alfa Slab font family by JM Solé
Z Y M m Alfa Slab JM Solé 1 Styles
Cinzel font family by Natanael Gama
Z Y M m Cinzel Natanael Gama 6 Styles
Cardo font family by David Perry
Z Y M m Cardo David Perry 3 Styles
Afta Serif font family by Oriol Esparraguera
Z Y M m Afta Serif Oriol Esparraguera 2 Styles
Libre Baskerville font family by Impallari Type
Z Y M m Libre Baskerville Impallari Type 3 Styles
Alegreya font family by Juan Pablo del Peral
Z Y M m Alegreya Juan Pablo del Peral 12 Styles
Crimson font family by Sebastian Kosch
Z Y M m Crimson Sebastian Kosch 6 Styles
Source Serif Pro font family by Adobe
Z Y M m Source Serif Pro Adobe 12 Styles
Cormorant font family by Catharsis Fonts
Z Y M m Cormorant Catharsis Fonts 45 Styles
Alice font family by Cyreal
Z Y M m Alice Cyreal 1 Styles
Heuristica font family by Andrej Panov
Z Y M m Heuristica Andrej Panov 4 Styles
Antic font family by Typemade
Z Y M m Antic Typemade 3 Styles
Bentham font family by Reading Type
Z Y M m Bentham Reading Type 1 Styles
Cinzel Decorative font family by Natanael Gama
Z Y M m Cinzel Decorative Natanael Gama 3 Styles
Liberation Serif font family by Red Hat
Z Y M m Liberation Serif Red Hat 4 Styles
Noto Serif font family by Google
Z Y M m Noto Serif Google 72 Styles
Neuton font family by Brian Zick
Z Y M m Neuton Brian Zick 13 Styles
Fraunces font family by Undercase Type
Z Y M m Fraunces Undercase Type 2 Styles
Lora font family by Cyreal
Z Y M m Lora Cyreal 4 Styles
Merriweather font family by Sorkin Type Co
Z Y M m Merriweather Sorkin Type Co 8 Styles
Vollkorn font family by FRiTZe
Z Y M m Vollkorn FRiTZe 8 Styles
Special Elite font family by Astigmatic
Z Y M m Special Elite Astigmatic 1 Styles
Gentium Basic font family by SIL International
Z Y M m Gentium Basic SIL International 8 Styles
kawoszeh font family by GLUK fonts
Z Y M m kawoszeh GLUK fonts 1 Styles
Baskervville font family by ANRT
Z Y M m Baskervville ANRT 2 Styles
Junicode font family by Peter S. Baker
Z Y M m Junicode Peter S. Baker 36 Styles
Charis SIL font family by SIL International
Z Y M m Charis SIL SIL International 4 Styles
Forum font family by Denis Masharov
Z Y M m Forum Denis Masharov 1 Styles
spinwerad font family by GLUK fonts
Z Y M m spinwerad GLUK fonts 2 Styles
Judson font family by Daniel Johnson
Z Y M m Judson Daniel Johnson 3 Styles
IM FELL DW Pica PRO font family by Igino Marini
Z Y M m IM FELL DW Pica PRO Igino Marini 2 Styles
Metamorphous font family by Sorkin Type Co
Z Y M m Metamorphous Sorkin Type Co 1 Styles
Calistoga font family by Yvonne Schüttler
Z Y M m Calistoga Yvonne Schüttler 1 Styles
okolaks font family by GLUK fonts
Z Y M m okolaks GLUK fonts 4 Styles
Comprehension font family by Hanken Design Co.
Z Y M m Comprehension Hanken Design Co. 1 Styles
Solitas Serif font family by insigne design
Z Y M m Solitas Serif insigne design 1 Styles
Old Standard TT font family by Alexey Kryukov
Z Y M m Old Standard TT Alexey Kryukov 3 Styles

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